Ningbo NorthStar Electromechanical Company
To ensure the highest quality possible for the components we provide, PolarisREM maintains a strategic relationship with our manufacturing facility in Ningbo, China. At Ningbo NorthStar, we manufacture magnet assemblies and sub-assemblies, motor assemblies and other parts—such as wound copper coils and screw machine components—for original equipment manufacturers throughout the world.
Ningbo NorthStar is ISO 9001 and TS16949 certified. Our strategic relationship with NorthStar sets PolarisREM apart from other manufacturers and distributors. It allows us to be close to our suppliers, intricately involved in not only NorthStar’s quality processes, but in the quality processes of our suppliers, as well.
Ningbo NorthStar employs more than 100 people, including senior staff, accountants, quality engineers, and assembly workers.